Tuesday, February 10, 2009

hai everyone..

here I list several rolls can be made as a guide me and also friends and hoped can get his benefit. guide I be able to this immensely useful because little as much as it its give awareness to we in manage a thing. safe successful..


What kind of person are you?
Before you can deal honestly with the job market, you must
deal honestly and effectively with yourself.
• What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
• What do you enjoy doing?
• What are your plans for the future?

Now is the time to examine yourself.
• The job search is about presenting your skills successfully.
• Your career goals, job satisfaction and personal fulfillments
are important to you. They are not important to a prospective
• In a job search campaign, you are the "product."
• You are "selling" your talents, abilities, skills and experiences.
• Identify your strongest and most valuable skills.
• Select specific areas in which you would like to work and use
these to establish your market (prospective employers) who can
use your skills.

Remember — your skills may be of great value to one
organization — and of less value to another.

To get you started
First, look back and determine when you were enjoying life the
most. When were you the happiest?
• What were you doing?
• What activities were you engaged in?
• What talents or skills were you using?
• Are any of them work related?

Next, spend some time thinking about the things you have
done in the past; these things should be accomplishments —
things that you have done and done well.
Do not concentrate on what others have said about what
you’ve done. Pay attention to those things which you felt a sense
of accomplishment after doing.

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